Reminder: Deadline for Submitting an Updated 2024 ICH CAHPS Quality Assurance Plan is May 31, 2024
folder_openOther Announcementscalendar_todayPosted May 24, 2024
This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for ICH CAHPS Survey vendors to submit the annual Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is 5:00 PM Eastern Time on May 31, 2024.
The QAP must describe how the survey vendor will implement, comply with, and provide oversight of all survey and data processing activities associated with the ICH CAHPS Survey. To ensure prompt review and acceptance of your Update QAP, please follow the procedures listed below:
- Locate the version of your most recently approved QAP; that is, the version that was accepted by CMS and the Coordination Team in 2023 (or later if edits were made and submitted after May 2023).
- Make a copy of that version and accept all tracked changes, creating a clean copy of your QAP.
- Make all 2024 updates to your clean copy using track changes, so that your document reflects only the changes made since your most recently approved QAP.
- Make sure to include updates to your QAP if your organization has had changes in ICH CAHPS Survey personnel, changes to protocols or procedures, and/or changes in approved survey mode(s).
- Make sure your QAP follows the format shown in the Model QAP posted on the ICH CAHPS website. Also make sure that you provide information for every topic included in the Model QAP.
- Before submitting your annual QAP, check it carefully to make sure that it reflects all ICH CAHPS Survey protocols disseminated via announcements posted on the ICH CAHPS website and/or described in the latest version of the Survey Administration and Specifications Manual.
- Vendors should submit for review a copy of all survey materials (envelope, prenotification letter, cover letters 1 and 2, mail surveys, telephone scripts) for each language the survey is being administered in. As a reminder, these materials should be the versions used in the 2024 Spring Survey, which are the survey materials that were recently approved by the Coordination Team.
- Submit your QAP online via the ICH CAHPS website by accessing the Submit Quality Assurance Plan option under the “For Vendors” menu on the grey bar at the top of the website’s home page (
The QAP must be updated and submitted annually on or before May 31 of each year and any time the vendor has a change in ICH CAHPS personnel, capabilities, or systems that are used to administer the ICH CAHPS Survey. Remember that you must also update your online ICH CAHPS Vendor Application Form if you have been approved to add/drop survey modes, changed key personnel and/or subcontractors, and/or have changed your business name or location.
Please contact the ICH CAHPS Coordination Team at 1-866-245-8083 or via email at if you have any questions about the QAP update process or deadline.